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Finding Your Way to Price Center

Process Palooza's home base will be the Price Center, in the heart of the UC San Diego campus.

The drawers below include specific links you may find useful, and you can always visit the UC San Diego Transportation Services site for a comprehensive overview.

Once on-campus you may make use of shuttles, shared bikes and scooters, and more; get details via Triton Transit.

Driving Directions

  • From the North/South:
    • Interstate 5 South Exit LA JOLLA VILLAGE DRIVE
    • Go west on La Jolla Village Drive
    • Turn right at Villa La Jolla Drive to enter the UC San Diego campus
    • Proceed straight until you reach the Gilman Parking Structure, at the corner of Villa La Jolla Drive and Gilman Drive

Walking from Gilman Parking Structure

  • Head north on Russell Drive
  • Turn left on Lyman Lane
  • Cross diagonally through Matthews Quad. Price Center will be just ahead to the left. Proceed up the steps behind the Triton statue. If needed, an accessibility ramp is available as you cross from the quad. You may enter the building there at the food court and find an elevator to the right.
  • Once on the second floor of the Price Center, the registration check-in area will be located in the Price Center West Ballroom Foyer. Signs will be placed both outside and inside the Price Center to direct you to key locations. Check-in is located at the far west end of the south side of Price Center - right next to the bookstore.

Click to enlarge map

Directions to Price Center: Parking, Walking, Shuttle

Interior Price Center Maps

Click on the maps below to enlarge

Price-Center-Map_Level-1.png     Price Center Map - Level 2

Price Center Map - Level 3     Price Center Map - Level 4



All Process Palooza attendees are encouraged to carpool, use rideshare services, or explore alternative transportation methods. For those interested in parking, take note of the various options:

Process Palooza won't be reserving or managing parking, but we'll do our best to provide directional signage from the two recommended lots listed below. In addition to the parking options listed above, more information can be found on the Visit Campus and Get Around Campus pages of the UC San Diego Transportation Services web site. 

Gilman Parking Structure*

The Gilman lot is closest to our event at Price Center. Be advised that Gilman fills up quickly and early.

*The Gilman Parking structure Visitor spots have recently changed to 2 hour parking only. If you'd like to find all day parking please visit the South Parking Structure or the Hopkins Parking Structure.

South Parking Structure & Hopkins Parking Stucture

The South Parking Structure and Hopkins Parking Structure should have more availability than Gilman; for better or worse, each parking structure requires a bit of an walk to Price Center.

Rideshare drop-off

Rideshare services will be automatically directed to designated Passenger Loading Zones. There are two recommended locations in close proximity to Price Center. Depending on the service you use the destination input may vary slightly. 

  • Russell Lane drop-off: Input UCSD Gilman Parking. Depending on the service you may be presented a drop-down menu; choose Russell Lane or Gilman Parking.
  • Price Center drop-off: Depending on the service you use, input the destination as "Price Center," "Price Center Theater," or "Price Center Loop." It may also appear as Matthews Lane in the app. You'll be deposited just north of Price Center; follow signage for the UC Tech event.


San Diego's Trolley system has several stops on the UC San Diego campus. The UC San Diego Central Campus stop is a 7-10 minute walk to Price Center. If you're staying in the campus area the Nobel Drive, Executive Drive and UTC stops on the Blue Line could be viable options. Those staying further afield in Old Town, Mission Valley or Downtown may also benefit. Give the Trolley a try - it'll be just like living in Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. 

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